Q: When, where and at what time?
A: The Rock of Ages Festival & Conference will take place on Saturday, Oct 3, 2015, 11:00 – 8:00 p.m. (gates open at 10:30 a.m.) at the Napa County Fairgrounds in Calistoga, CA. The conference of 15 workshops is from 11:00 – 4 ( lots of other things going on then also) / the music celebration festival ends at 8:00 p.m.
For directions to the Napa County Fairgrounds, please visit our directions page.
Q: I thought that the Napa County Fairgrounds was in Napa? Why is it in Calistoga?
A: This question highlights two very different venues that are commonly confused in the Napa Valley. The Napa Valley Expo is located in the city of Napa, while the Napa County Fairgrounds, home of the Rock of Ages Festival, is located in the city of Calistoga. If you need directions to Calistoga, CA, please visit our directions page.
Q: How do I get to Calistoga?
A: We have an interactive map that will give you exact directions to the venue, please visit our directions page.
Q: Do I need tickets to get into the Rock of Ages Festival?
A: Yes. The tickets are through iTickets.com. They will be $20 in advance & $25 the day of at the gate…. (this covers the conference and festival – A GREAT DEAL, EH?)
We want all to hear the eternal message of Hope in Christ and grow to be salt and light to the world. Kids under 5 are FREE!
Q: What is the earliest time that I can arrive at the Rock of Ages Festival?
A: The gates open at 10:30 a.m., however, any earlier and we might ask you to help us set up. NOTE: If you would like to help us with set up, or in any other capacity, please visit our volunteer page.
Q: What is the parking situation? Will there be disabled parking available?
A: All of the parking spots are conveniently located at the Napa County Fairgrounds, close to the large grassy field where the festival takes place. On the day of the festival, there will be signs posted within the fairgrounds that will direct you to the parking lot. Once in the parking lot ask a parking attendant to direct you to handicap parking, these spaces are limited and available on a “first come, first served” basis.
Q: Will there be an ATM available?
A: That’s unknown at this time; the availability of an on-site ATM is at the discretion of the Napa County Fairgrounds. There are several banks in Calistoga with ATM access, on/near Lincoln Ave. (the city’s main street), an easy walk from the festival.
Q: Do you have a schedule of when the artists /speakers will be performing?
A: We do not at this time. We will have a schedule for all the conference classes on line asap. The musicians line up will be on line soon as well. But we encourage people to come either all day for the conference ( there will be a sports show and children’s activities all though out the day also) and the music festival portion will be very full…so come early for good viewing. We encourage our guests to come out for the whole day of ministry, as the most important aspect of the Rock of Ages Festival is the Gospel message (This year presented by Andrew Palau of Luis Palau Ministries).
Q: How can I volunteer to help with the Rock of Ages Festival?
A: Volunteers make Rock of Ages happen; you can find out how to serve God through Rock of Ages Festival by visiting our volunteer page (click here).