If you are interested in holding a stall in 2016, please complete the application below. If approved, a confirmation email will be sent with a link for site fee payment. Sites will only be confirmed once payment is received.
Stallholder Fees 2016
Friday 18 March - Town Hall Square
3m x 3m $60 (non-food) $110 (food)
3m x 6m $90 (non-food) $160 (food)
Saturday 19 March - Barkly Street
(Available to non-food sites only.)
3m x 3m $90
3m x 6m $130
Sunday 20 March - Alexandra Oval
3m x 3m $90 (non-food) $260 (food)
3m x 6m $130 (non food) $360 (food)
Weekend Site (Sat & Sun) - Barkly Street and Alexandra Oval
(Available to non-food sites only.)
3m x 3m $150
3m x 6m $220
No power is available in Barkly Street on Saturday (petrol generators must not be intrusive). Limited power available on Alexandra Oval Sunday (by prior arrangement). All power leads to be tested & correctly tagged.
Stall holders must produce Receipt at the Alexandra Oval gate (maximum 4 adults per site) to access to Rock Extravaganza on Sunday. Set up must be complete prior to 10 am. No vehicle movement between 10am - 4pm. If a stall holder operates from their vehicle/trailer it must be parked at the rear of their allocated site. All other vehicles & trailers must be removed from the oval prior to 10am.