Punk Rock Bowling and Music Festival is happy to announce our inaugural debut on the East Coast which will take place at the world famous Stone Pony Summer Stage in Asbury Park, NJ. The Festival will take place on Sat. June 11th and Sun. June 12th, with club shows happening on Fri. and Sat. late night
From the north:
New Jersey Turnpike south to Exit 11, then south on the Garden State Parkway to Exit 102. Bear right off the exit ramp onto Asbury Ave. and continue heading east all the way to the ocean, following the signs to Asbury Park. When you reach the ocean, bear left onto Ocean Ave. The Stone Pony will be on your left, two blocks up at the corner of Second and Ocean. From the south:
Garden State Parkway north to Exit 100A. Bear east on Route 66 and continue heading east all the way to the ocean, following the signs to Asbury Park. When you reach the ocean, bear left onto Ocean Ave. The Stone Pony will be on your left at the corner of Second and Ocean.
The Outdoor Festival is ALL AGES
Kids under 8 get in FREE.
* Festival is Rain or shine.
* No ticket refunds or exchanges or cancellations.
* Line up subject to change.
* All patrons subject to search.
* Studs ARE permitted
* NO spikes or sharp objects, cans or bottles, alcoholic beverages, coolers or food, weapon (with or without a permit) sticks, balls, bats, chains or clubs, blow horns, balloons, bikes, skateboards, pens, markers, umbrellas, lawn chairs, small stadium seat or lowback chairs!, No video equipment, squirt or water guns, unauthorized vending, concessions, merchandise, literature of promotions, no animals. Also no outside food or beverage allowed.