Thank you for your interest in being a part of the White Rock Sea Festival. The Festival is produced by a team of the White Rock Events Society volunteers. Held every year, this fun, family event attracts thousands of visitors to White Rock’s waterfront over the August long weekend.
The Festival Production Team seeks food service providers, who, individually or as a collective, will offer a diverse menu with healthy options, prepare meals quickly, and operate self-sufficiently.
Provided below are all the rules for participating as a food provider vendor in the Festival Marketplace. They are a result of lessons learned over many years, so it is long but important. We all want the festival to be fun for visitors, safe for volunteers, and profitable for vendors. These policies are intended to support those goals.
Please stay alert for 2016 White Rock Sea Festival Food Vendor Updates.
General Information
Please note that Styrofoam or tin foil of any kind will not be allowed at the Festival (this includes cups, plates, bowls). We thank you in advance for your cooperation.