Music festivals in Midwest

June 10, 2021
Giveaway: Tickets to BUKU

8035mfThis summer, don’t fly over the Midwest – party right on through it. Here are three rockin’ music festivals in Iowa that you definitely don’t want to miss.

Low on cash? Lucky for you, they’re all offering free admission for volunteers. So round up your posse, pair up those party pants with your giving galoshes (sorry, we had to) and head out for some happy volunteering!

80/35 Music Festival

For many in Iowa’s capital city of Des Moines, the 80/35 Music Festival is a summertime staple. Aptly named for it’s unique (and rather convenient) location along the intersection of Interstates 80 and 35, this festival has earned a stellar reputation for luring high-profile headliners into the heartland. Included in 80/35’s roster of past performers are The Flaming Lips, Bright Eyes, the Wu-Tang Clan and the Avett Brothers.

HinterlandLogo2015 Headliners: Weezer, WILCO, St. Lucia and Talib Kweli

Hinterland Music Festival

July 31st – August 2nd, 2015

If you’ve ever lived in, or visited Iowa in the wintertime – you’ll probably get the joke. Playfully dubbed Hinterland, Iowa’s newest festival is out to prove that this Midwestern state is anything but an unchartered, vast and wintery terrian. Set against the backdrop of Iowa’s gorgeous Water Works Park, Hinterland seeks to integrate elements of art, sculpture, craft vendors and cycling into a traditional music festival format.

Lotus - Behind Midwest Storefronts Allgood Music festival
Lotus - Behind Midwest Storefronts Allgood Music festival ...
Sebastian Ingrosso @ MidWest Music Festival 2011 II
Sebastian Ingrosso @ MidWest Music Festival 2011 II
Martin Solveig - FULL INTRO @ MidWest Music Festival 2011 (HD)
Martin Solveig - FULL INTRO @ MidWest Music Festival 2011 (HD)
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